As of April 2022, I am 7 months into my 12-month placement at Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains. A couple of weeks ago, I changed rotations – gone from working for the Head of Department to working in the Structural Team: team that is responsible for developing the crankcase, heads and front cover for a more mechanical engineering orientated role.

Below are 8 items that I have learned from my time at HPP, concerning working in a team:
- Long-term healthy relationships with colleagues are more important that achieving short-term goals.
- One is unaware of what a healthy work-life balance looks like until it becomes very bad.
- Keeping your manager up-to-date with your progress will save you from uncomfortable future situations.
- Document everything, save everything.
- Priorities must be sorted at the beginning of the day.
- If someone asks you for a job, make sure this is agreed with your manager. Your manager is in the position of giving you tasks, not yourself.
- Always understand the what, why, when of each project.
- If a task has not got a specific deadline, is most likely not urgent.
- Bonus: evening walks recommended, especially in Brixworth during the golden hour. Pictures below.
I am not featuring any technical items due to company IP.